It has been fun making clip art, something I hadn't considered doing during my first couple of decades as a children's book illustrator. But in this digital age it suddenly seemed like an interesting idea. After thinking about it for awhile, I decided to have a very liberal usage policy while retaining the copyright. So, if teachers want to make classroom materials from these images and sell them, for example, that's fine with me. Frogs 'n' Flowers is posted on my store at Teachers Pay Teachers, a site for lesson plans and other teaching resources. A free sample of a border design is included in the Preview file, see close up below:

I've made several other free activities, printables, and coloring pages that
are also on my store. So if you're interested if hearing about future
offerings, please click on the "follow me" link when you get there.
In reading the TPT forums, it appears that some teachers like to have
black and white options to save on printer ink. It often looks better to
do a custom conversion, rather than just print a color image in black. So, here are the line art images in the Frogs 'n' Flowers set:
I'll be interested to see what people make with these images.