We can officially add Twitter to the list of Things-I-Said-I’d-Never-Do-But-Now-I-Am. Since I’ve only been tweeting for a couple of weeks, it may be premature to compile this list, but what the heck.
Hashtags are the way people index their tweets, which allows anyone searching on a hashtag to find info about, say #ebooks or #elemed (elementary education) or #math. Here’s an example from fellow I.N.K. blogger, Vicki Cobb:
"Before you cobble together free reading material for your kids, read this: #education #edweeklive #literacy."
I’m not sure what #edweeklive is, will have to check it out, might be a conference. The shortened URLs are obtained at
bit.ly or some other service for free. If there are tweet buttons on the blog, the post's URL is automatically shortened for the tweet.
By the way, I’m tweeting under @LoreenLeedy, so hope to see you there. The tags in bold are the ones I use the most…without any further ado, here are the tags:
#amediting from people who are editing
#amwriting from people who are writing
#arted art education
#artsed arts education
#askagent agent questions and answers
#bookapps book-like apps for iPad, Android, etc.
#ece early childhood education
#edapp educational app
#edtech education technology
#edubk books about teaching
#elemed elementary education
#ellchat english language learners
#ePrdctn electronic production (e.g. book designers)
#esl english as a second language
#hsc homeschool
#innochat innovation
#kedu kindergarten education
#kidlit children’s literature
#kidlitPRchat marketing children's books
#mglitchat middle grade literature chat
#mlearning mobile device learning, e.g. phones, tablets, etc.
#nanowrimo national novel writing month
#NFforKids nonfiction for kids
#ntchat new teacher chat
#pblit picture book literature
#pblitchat picture book literature chat
#pubtip publication tips
#SCBWI re the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrator
#storyappchat chat for book app authors, illustrators, developers, and users
#titletalk librarians talking about specific book titles
#tlchat teacher-librarians
#webfic web fiction
#weblit web literature
#wip work in progress
#writequote quotations about writing
#writetip writing tip
#writingtips writing advice
#yalitchat young adult literature chat
Tags that end with -chat are discussions held at a scheduled time such as once a week, but some people seem to put them on tweets at any time.
My source for some of these is here:
Daily Writing Tips and here:
Cybraryman. The rest I cribbed from reading various tweets, of course.
[Update Feb. 20, 2012: Added and deleted some tags. Suggestions are welcome!]